
Essential Components of a Leadership Development Plan: A Comprehensive Guide to the Top 5 Elements

Matt Tenney, Author of Inspire Greatness: How to Motivate Employees with a Simple, Repeatable, Scalable Process

According to recent research, a significant proportion of organizations, approximately 83%, acknowledge the importance of developing leaders at all levels. However, only a mere 5% of those organizations have actually implemented leadership development programs across all levels. 

This disparity between recognition and action highlights a significant challenge. While leaders acknowledge the need for development, translating this awareness into effective programs remains elusive. 

The disconnect between business leaders’ perceptions and employees’ experiences compounds the issue. Despite 78% of business leaders claiming to prioritize employee engagement, only 48% of employees perceive their company’s leadership as truly “high quality.”

The consequences of this gap are far-reaching. Employee motivation, morale, and overall productivity can suffer when leadership development remains an unfulfilled promise. 

To address this, organizations must invest in effective leadership development programs that bridge the divide between intention and execution. And leaders should consistently hone their skills through a leadership development plan. 

Whether you currently hold a leadership position in a large corporation, own a small business, or aspire to lead, consider crafting a personal leadership development plan. 

An effective leadership development plan has five components, including self-assessment, identifying leadership needs and skills gaps, setting development goals, identifying development methods and strategies, and measuring and analyzing results.

In this article, we’ll examine the important elements that comprise an effective leadership development plan. 

Component 1: Engage in Some Self-Assessment

The journey toward effective leadership begins with a thorough self-assessment. This crucial first step in creating a leadership development plan involves understanding your current professional standing. 

It’s about taking an introspective look at yourself as a leader (or potential leader) and identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

Self-assessment can be achieved through various methods, such as feedback from colleagues, self-reflection, and professional assessments. These methods provide valuable insights into your leadership style, communication skills, decision-making abilities, and other workplace tendencies.

For instance, you might be a great strategic thinker but struggle with communication. Or you excel at task delegation but need to work on empathy. Recognizing these traits is the first step toward growth.

Every leader has areas they can improve upon. The key is to recognize these areas and be willing to work on them. This willingness to self-assess and improve is what sets great leaders apart.

Component 2: Identify Leadership Needs and Skills Gaps

The second component of a leadership development plan involves defining the type of leaders your current organization or small business needs and the skills that need to be developed to meet those needs. 

This is a strategic process that should align with the overall vision and needs of your organization or business, while also meeting your own personal leadership aspirations.

Every organization is unique, with its own set of values, culture, and strategic objectives. The type of leaders it needs will also be unique. For instance, a tech startup might need a leader who is innovative and adaptable, while a large corporation might value strategic and process-oriented leaders.

To define leadership needs and identify skills gaps, consider the following:

Organizational Goals: What are your organization’s or business’s short-term and long-term goals? What type of leaders can help achieve these goals? What skills are needed to be this type of leader?

Organizational Culture: What is the culture of your organization? Do you need leaders who can foster this culture or change it? What skills are needed to be this type of leader?

Industry Trends: What are the current trends in your industry? Do you need agile leaders who can navigate these trends? What skills are needed to be this type of leader?

Employee Needs: What do your employees need from their leaders? Do they need more guidance, inspiration, communication, or something else? What skills are needed to be the type of leader who can guide, inspire, communicate effectively with, and motivate these employees to achieve greatness?

Component 3: Identify Leadership Development Goals

The third component of a leadership development plan involves setting clear leadership development goals that will help you achieve these goals.

Leadership development goals are specific objectives that leaders aim to achieve in their professional growth journey. These goals should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

For instance, a goal could be “Improve public speaking skills to effectively communicate team achievements in the next quarter.”

Identifying the skills needed to achieve these goals is equally important. These skills could range from technical skills specific to your industry to soft skills like communication, empathy, and strategic thinking. 

If a goal is to improve team collaboration, for example, the skills might include effective communication, conflict resolution, and team management.

Here’s a step-by-step process to create a list of leadership development goals:

Identify Areas for Improvement: Based on the self-assessment, leadership needs, and skills gaps, identify areas where you need improvement.

Set SMART Goals: For each area of improvement, set a SMART goal that aligns with these needs.

Identify Necessary Skills: List the skills needed to achieve each goal. These could be skills you already possess and need to improve or new skills you need to acquire.

Prioritize: Not all goals and skills can be addressed at once. Prioritize based on your organization’s needs and your personal career aspirations.

As leadership development is a continuous process, it’s important to reassess your skills regularly and set new goals to ensure continuous growth.

Component 4: Identify Development Methods and Strategies

The fourth component of a leadership development plan involves identifying the methods of development and creating a strategy.

Identifying Methods of Development

There are various methods of development that can be used to achieve your leadership development goals. These include:

Training Seminars: These are structured events that provide in-depth knowledge on specific leadership topics.

Mentorship Programs: These involve pairing up with a more experienced leader who can provide guidance and advice.

Coaching: This is a one-on-one relationship with a professional coach who can provide personalized feedback and guidance.

Self-Study: This involves independent learning through books, online courses, and other resources.

Job Rotation: This involves moving to different roles within the organization to gain a broader perspective and develop new skills.

Creating a Development Strategy

Create a detailed development strategy document that outlines how you will achieve your leadership development goals. It should include:

Goals: What are your leadership development goals?

Skills: What skills do you need to develop to achieve these goals?

Methods: What methods of development will you use?

Timeline: When will you start and finish each development activity?

Resources: What resources do you need (e.g., time, money, support)?

Measurement: How will you measure your progress?

Keep in mind that development plans do not have to be set in stone. They should be flexible and adaptable to changes in your goals, skills, or circumstances.

Component 5: Measure and Analyze the Results

The final component of a leadership development plan is measuring and analyzing the results of your efforts to determine how well the development plan is helping you meet your development goals. This step is crucial as it helps in understanding the effectiveness of the plan and making necessary adjustments.

Measuring Results

Measuring the results of a leadership development program can be challenging due to the qualitative nature of leadership skills. However, there are several methods that can be used:

Feedback: Regular feedback from colleagues, subordinates, and superiors can provide valuable insights into a leader’s development.

Performance Metrics: Changes in performance metrics can indicate the effectiveness of the leadership development plan. For instance, an increase in team productivity or a decrease in employee turnover could be linked to improved leadership.

Self-Assessment: Regular self-assessments can help leaders track their progress and identify areas for further development.

Analyzing Results

Once the results have been measured, they should be analyzed to understand the effectiveness of the leadership development plan. This involves comparing the results with the set goals and identifying any gaps.

If the goals are being met, the plan is likely effective. If not, adjustments may need to be made. This could involve setting more realistic goals, changing the methods of development, or focusing on different skills.

Remember, leadership development is a continuous process. Regular measurement and analysis ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective in an ever-changing business environment.

Continuous Development

Effective leadership is more than just a desirable trait—it’s a critical necessity for any organization’s long-term success. That makes it a highly desirable skill and one that requires an ongoing commitment to cultivate.

If you are looking to grow as a leader or into a leadership position, a leadership development plan can provide the roadmap to success for you and your organization. 

A comprehensive leadership development plan that encompasses self-assessment, identifies leadership needs and skills gaps, sets development goals, identifies development methods and strategies, and measures and analyzes results is a strategic tool that fosters growth and a continuous improvement mindset.

Leadership development is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of growth and learning. It’s about nurturing talent, fostering a culture of excellence, and building a sustainable leadership pipeline that can navigate the challenges of tomorrow. 

The return on investment? A team of competent leaders driving your organization toward its vision, a motivated workforce, and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Matt Tenney has been working to help organizations develop leaders who improve employee engagement and performance since 2012. He is the author of three leadership books, including the groundbreaking, highly acclaimed book Inspire Greatness: How to Motivate Employees with a Simple, Repeatable, Scalable Process.

Matt’s ideas have been featured in major media outlets and his clients include numerous national associations and Fortune 500 companies.

He is often invited to deliver keynote speeches at conferences and leadership meetings, and is known for delivering valuable, actionable insights in a way that is memorable and deeply inspiring.